Aptible AI is currently in early access. To sign up, please visit aptible.ai.

Step 1: Setup Slack Integration


Our Slack integration is used in the following ways:

  1. You invite it to specific Slack channels so that your team can interact with Aptible AI. To get the best answers from Aptible AI, these channels should contain discussion around past incidents and how they were resolved.
  2. It trains the AI model on how your team responds to incidents, based on your chat history in the channels you select.

Set up

Step 2: Setup OpenAI Integration


Aptible AI trains base AI models on your chat history, documentation, and integrations to provide the best answers for your team.

Aptible AI only supports OpenAI GPT-4o during the early access period. We are working on adding support for additional models.

Step 3: Configure additional training integrations

You can add additional integrations before starting the training process. Aptible AI currently supports:

During early access, we will be rapidly expanding support for new integrations.

Step 4: Configure your Aptible account

The last step is to add your API keys to your Aptible account.

Set up